Director of Partnership and Learner Engagement, Center for Graduate Career Success, 2024-present
Associate Director, Centre for Learning & Teaching, Dalhousie University, 2021-2024
Senior Educational Developer (Curriculum), Centre for Learning & Teaching, Dalhousie University, 2015-2021
Acting Director, Centre for Academic & Instructional Development (CAID), Saint Mary's University, 2014-15
Instructional Development Associate,Centre for Academic & Instructional Development (CAID), Saint Mary's University, 2012-2015
Museum Studies (HIST 3505), Saint Mary’s University, 2021-23
Canada to Confederation (HIST 1252), Saint Mary's University, 2023
History of the Atlantic Provinces Since Confederation (HIST 2231), Mount Saint Vincent University, 2021
Atlantic Provinces History to 1867, Saint Mary’s University, (HIST 2341/ACST 2341), 2020
Atlantic Provinces History After 1867, (HIST 2342/ACST 2342), Saint Mary’s University, 2019
History of Fashion & Clothing (HIST 3494.2A), Saint Mary's University, 2012, 2019
Allies and Anti-Americanism: A History of Canadian-American Relations (HIST/POLS 2216), Mount Saint Vincent University, 2017
Canada: Confederation to Present (HIST 1253), Saint Mary's University, 2014, 2015 & 2017
The Invention of Canada (HIST 3403.2), Saint Mary's University, 2014
University Teaching (FGSR 7000), Saint Mary's University, 2013-15
Consuming Culture(s) In Canada (CSTU 3301), NSCAD University, 2012
Cultural Studies: An Introduction (CULS 1102), Mount Saint Vincent University, 2012
Consuming Culture(s) In Canada (HIST 3903A), Carleton University, 2010
Thesis Committee Member:
Brooke Barker, “Chasing Evangeline: How Archaeology and Heritage Shaped the Grand-Pré National Historic Site,” Dept. of Anthropology, Saint Mary’s University, 2022.
Emily Miller, “Digging for Vikings: Leif’s Legacy and the Archaeology of L’Anse aux Meadows: A New Methodology for Validating Oral Traditions as Historical Sources Through Comparison to the Archaeological Record,” Dept. of Anthropology, Saint Mary’s University, 2022.
Guest Instructor:
Political Science Honours Colloquium (POLI 4520) for Dr. Stella Gaon & Dr. Lyubov Zhyznomirska, Saint Mary's University, 2014-15, 2017
Indigenous & Settler History (HIST 3840) for Dr. Michael Vance, Saint Mary's University, 2014
Historical Representations (HIST 3809) for Dr. John C. Walsh, Carleton University, 2008
Historical Theory & Method (HIST 3808) for Dr. James Opp, Carleton University, 2008
Select Workshop Facilitation:
Recognizing Ableist Language, 2023
Academic Integrity, 2022
Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning, 2021
Welcoming Students to your Online Class, with Mabel Ho, 2020
Educators as Activists, 2020
Learning Outcomes, with Chad O’Brien, mulitple offerings
Course and Program Alignment, multiple offerings
Curriculum Mapping, multiple offerings
Self-directed Learning, with Jill McSweeney-Flaherty, multiple offerings
Embedding EDI in the Curriculum, with Shakira Weatherdon, 2016
Learning Spaces, with Jill McSweeney-Flaherty, 2015
Portfolio Learning, 2015
Service Learning, 2015
Designing Course Outlines, multiple offerings
Working with Teaching Assistants, multiple offerings
Grading and Plagiarism, multiple offerings
Mentoring Roles:
Senior Writing Tutor, Writing Centre, Saint Mary's University, 2011-12
Teaching Assistant Lead Mentor, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Carleton University, 2009-10
Teaching Assistant Mentor, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Carleton University, 2008-09
Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Carleton University, 2003-08
Writing & Editing
Review of Kimberly A. Williams, Stampede: Misogyny, White Supremacy, and Settler Colonialism (Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing, 2021). Labour / Le Travail, 89 (Spring 2022): 299-301. https://doi.org/10.52975/llt.2022v89.0019
“Creating Good Citizens?” Proceedings of the Atlantic Universities' Teaching Showcase, Vol. 23 (2019): 5.
“Creating an Intentional Career Path: The Journey from Graduate Teaching Associate to Educational Developer” co-authored, Professional and Support Staff in Higher Education, (University Development and Administration. Springer, Singapore, 2018): 1-17.
“What a Man: Portrayals of Masculinity and Sexuality in Calgary Stampede Ephemera,” Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies 16:1 (2015-16): 28-39.
“The Expectations of a Queen: Identity and Race Politics in the Calgary Stampede,” Alvin Finkel, Sarah Carter, and Peter Fortna, eds., The West and Beyond: Historians Past, Present, and Future (Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2010): 133-155.
Review of Max Foran ed. Icon, Brand and Myth: The Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, for Left History 14:2 (Summer 2010): 109-111.
“Captain Angus Walters,” Submission Report, written to provide the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada with the biographical and contextual information required to make a recommendation concerning the national historic significance of Captain Angus Walters in Canada, Parks Canada, 2004.
Blog Posts:
“Trauma-informed Pedagogy: What It Is and How It Can Help Now,” FOCUS on University Teaching & Learning, November 2020.
“Banging Your Head Against the Discussion Board Wall: Alternatives to Written Discussion Posts,” FOCUS on University Teaching & Learning, November 2020.
“Embracing vulnerability during the transition online,” with Mabel Ho, University Affairs/Affaires universitaires, 1 September 2020.
“Lessons Learned: Moving to Teaching Online,” FOCUS on University Teaching & Learning, May 2020.
“Creating a (Virtual) Learning Community,” FOCUS on University Teaching & Learning, April 2020.
“Creating Online Assessments for Learning,” FOCUS on University Teaching & Learning, March 2020.
“Helping Students Become Self-Directed Learners Online,” with Jill Marie McSweeney, FOCUS on University Teaching & Learning, March 2020.
“Curriculum Tips for Modifying a Course,” FOCUS on University Teaching & Learning, March 2020.
“Student Support for Unexpected Anxiety & Grief,” FOCUS on University Teaching & Learning, March 2020.
“Curious about Learning: Teaching Postcolonial Theory to First-Year History Students,” ActiveHistory.ca, 2018.
Focus Dalhousie University, Centre for Learning and Teaching newsletter, Winter 2018
Teaching & Learning at Saint Mary’s bi-annual newsletter, 2012-2015
Heritage Consultant, interpretive text composition on the history of skating in Nova Scotia for the Halifax Regional Municipality, 2010
Independent Researcher, composed a literature review for an exhibition on food for Ms. Kerri Davis, Canadian Children’s Museum, 2009
Copy Editor, three editions of Home, Work, and Play (Oxford University Press), Dr. James Opp and Dr. John Walsh, 2008-10
Copy Editor, Placing Memory and Remembering Place in Canada (UBC Press), Dr. James Opp and Dr. John Walsh, 2005
Research Assistant, selected relevant archival material for the book Each Morning Bright, Ottawa Citizen, 2005
Interview: “First Nations, Calgary Stampede, and the 1923 Raid on City Hall,” History Slam Episode Seventy podcast, 23 September 2015, http://activehistory.ca/2015/09/history-slam-episode-seventy-first-nations-the-calgary-stampede-and-the-1923-raid-on-city-hall/
Conference Presentations and Talks:
"The highest form of compassion is prevention!" The promotion of eugenic thought at a Maritime university, CRASH Speaker Series, Halifax, NS, 26 March 2024.
“The Student is the Curriculum,” 5-minute Lightening Round, Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching & Learning, 28 April 2021.
“My Father’s ‘Worst’ Course: The Promotion of Eugenic Thought at Mount Allison,” History Seminar Series, Saint Mary’s University, 13 March 2020.
“Designing Ethical Assessments for Inclusive Learning,” EDC Conference, Mount Saint Vincent University, 20 February 2020.
“Curriculum Development Community of Interest,” with William Kay, EDC Pre-Conference, Dalhousie University, 19 February 2020.
“Finding ‘Student Voice’ in Proposals for New and Modified Programs at Dalhousie University,” with Courtney Sutton, Student Voices in Quality Assurance Symposium, Humber College, 15 November 2019.
“Curriculum-Mapping Tools: A Challenge to Student Engagement,” with William Kay, Student Voices in Quality Assurance Symposium, Humber College, 14 November 2019.
“‘Just Do It’: Can Educational Developers be Motivational?” EDC Conference, in-person workshop for all Halifax post-secondary institutions, 20 February 2019.
"Creating Good Citizens?" AAU Teaching Showcase, University of PEI, 19 October 2019.
“Educators as Allies,” AAU Teaching Showcase, Mount Saint Vincent University, 14 October 2017.
“Captive Audience: The 1923 Raid on Calgary City Hall,” meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, University of Ottawa, 3 June 2015.
"Come Together: Partnering for Student Success," co-presented with Leigh Gillis, Teaching Academic Survival & Success Conference, Broward College, 16 March 2015.
“Bridging Faculty and Institutional Priorities through Holistic Program Review,” co-presented with Michelle Malloy, EDC Conference, University of Calgary, 19 February 2014.
“Assessing the Impact of Permanent Learning Teams to Build Engagement, Learning and More,” co-presented with Dr. Margaret McKee, AAU Teaching Showcase, Mount Allison University, 26 October 2013.
“Colonial Bodies: Depictions of First Nations Men in Calgary Stampede Promotional Materials,” meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, University of New Brunswick, 1 June 2011.
“Everyone Loves a Parade: Reading Meaning in Performance at the Calgary Stampede,” History Across the Disciplines Conference, Dalhousie University, 19 March 2011.
“Claiming Space: the Indian Village as a site of contested expectations,” meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, Carleton University, 26 May 2009.
“(w)here we are civilized: Aboriginal Performance and the Calgary Stampede,” Remembering Place and Placing Memory in Canada workshop, Carleton Centre for Public History, Carleton University, 24 July 2008.
“The Expectations of a Queen: Identity and Race Politics in the Calgary Stampede,” The West and Beyond: Historians Past, Present, Future Conference, University of Alberta, 19 June 2008.
“The Construction of the Authentic Indian in the 1912 Calgary Stampede,” Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium, Carleton University, 10 March 2006.
“D. C. Harvey: Mover, Shaker, History Maker” Atlantic Baptist University Senior Seminar Conference, Moncton, New Brunswick, 23 March 2003.
PhD, History, Carleton University 2014
My dissertation, “Hidden Authority, Public Display: Representations of First Nations Peoples at the Calgary Stampede, 1912-1970,” examines North American Native-Newcomer relations by considering non-Aboriginal expectations of First Nations participants at the Calgary Stampede. Doctoral Award, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 2008
Comprehensive Fields: Historiography of the North American West; Canadian History; History of Women, Family and Gender.
Master of Arts, Public History, Carleton University 2005
My Thesis Examined The Commercial And Educational Uses Of History Through Acts Of Commemoration In Nova Scotia During The Early-Twentieth Century. Courses: Museums, National Identity & Public Memory; Archival Theory &Practice; Canada: Politics & Diplomacy; Intro To Public History
Bachelor of Arts Honours, History, Crandall University 2003
Including a term of study in Theatre at Oxford University, Oxford, England
Bachelor of Arts, Social Anthropology and Sociology, Dalhousie University 1999
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Cultural Studies, York University 1996-1997
Research Experience
In addition to the research completed for my dissertation and other personal research projects, I've consulted as an independent researcher for various academic and memory institutions.
Education Consultant, developed teaching materials for Oxford University Press to accompany the 2nd and 3rd editions of Home, Work, and Play, 2010 & 2014-15
Research Assistant, coding and analysis for Dr. Merlinda Weinberg, Dalhousie University, 2010-12
Interviewer, Statistics Canada, 2010-11
Independent Researcher, managed collection on sexuality in Canada for Dr. Rhonda Hinther, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2009
Independent Researcher, composed a literature review for an exhibition on food for Ms. Kerri Davis, Canadian Children’s Museum, 2009
Research Assistant, Dr. Ian McKay, Queen’s University, 2005
Research Assistant, selected relevant archival material for the book Each Morning Bright, Ottawa Citizen, 2005
Independent Researcher, researched and wrote a board paper based on archival research and oral interviews, Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, 2004
Service Experience
Faculty Development Committee Association of Atlantic Universities, 2014-2024, Vice Chair from 2022-2024
Academic Programs & Curriculum Committee, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University 2018-2024, Committee Member
Undergraduate Academic Programs Subcommittee, Dalhousie University, 2017-2024, Committee Member
Undergraduate Studies Committee, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University, 2016-2021, Committee Member
Curriculum Community of Practice, Dalhousie University, 2018-2021, Coordinator
Learning Management System Review Committee Consortium of Nova Scotia Universities, 2014-15
Department of Geography Program Review Internal Chair, Saint Mary's University, 2014
VPAR Advisory Committee Saint Mary’s University, 2014-15
Senate Committee on Learning & Teaching Saint Mary’s University, 2012-15
Copyright Advisory Committee Saint Mary’s University, 2012-15
Writing Centre Advisory Committee Saint Mary’s University, 2012-15
Classroom Planning Committee Saint Mary’s University, 2012-15
External Examiner for Masters of Social Work Candidate University of Calgary, June 2012
Cultural Studies Committees Mount Saint Vincent University, 2011-12
Professional Development Committee Carleton University, 2010
Co-chair of the Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium Carleton University, 2009-10
Co-organizer of Living Room Lecture Series Carleton University, 2009
Assistant Organizer Remembering Place and Placing Memory in Canada workshop, 2008
Co-organizer of the Shannon Lectures in History “History in Sight: Visuality, Order and Social Space,” Carleton University, 2006